Every single member of the team earned recognition and the Ritual Team as a whole took first place to secure that coveted trip to Nationals to represent Oregon. This is the FIRST AND ONLY TIME IN HISTORY our lodge has earned this honor.
This team has been practicing diligently and they will continue to practice now thru end of June as they prepare to represent up at the big competition. We know they will do us proud! Take a look at some of the pictures below to see the prep, travel and celebration after their big win at the state competition.

Featured in the picture from left to right, back row first:
VP, North District David Backlund, Cindy Summers, Anna Corradine, Lisa Michael, Toni Ann Irish, Don Jensen, Tami Williams, Rob Jolin, Alicia Garnes, (front row) Sundee Hamrick, Ron Summers, Sean Williams, Eric Michael, Amy Davison